Your Mandurah or Perth Property Settlement is Safe in Our Hands
At Mint we understand the settlement process can be confusing and unfamiliar, and if not undertaken with a high level of skill and communication it can be a very stressful time. We aim to take the stress out of the process for you!
Buying a home or investment property is one of the biggest commitments you are likely to make. If all the legal issues associated with this major investment are causing you concern, contact us personally.
Professional & Personal Service
Attention to Detail
Helpful & Approachable
At Mint Settlements we:
- Care that properties settle on time.
- Keep the pressure on all parties involved to ensure my settlement is effected by the due date.
- Manage our workload to ensure our staff are never overburdened with files and can spend time to regularly review and anticipate potential issues.
Before You Sign Any Contract
- Call and Enquire about our No Obligation and Free Service called ‘Contact Watch‘.
- We will explain in clear terms your obligations and costs before you sign the Offer and Acceptance.
- Our Clientele is constantly expanding as our clients are our best advertisers.
- Always remember you have the choice of Settlement Agent to nominate on your contract.
Mint Settlements